Personal Loan
The solution to your financial needs
Get your loan approved and disbursed quickly and safely with personalized and customized process.
Receive your loan within hours of application with just a few simple, quick and easy methods.
Easily receive a loan
Loan can be liquidized just 1 hour after completion of application
Quick, easy, and safe application process
Requirements :
- Nationality must be Malaysian
- Borrowers must be minimum 21 years of age
- Borrowers must show income proof of the latest 6 months salary slip
- Entrepreneurs/Professionals must have a business in the same field for a minimum of 2 years
Documentations :
- Name & IC
- Handphone Number
- 6 months salary slip
- 6 months bank statement
- EPF statement
- Employment Letter
Financing Available
Here at MYEZICASH, we offer a vast selection of financial institution at your disposal. With comparable interest rates and tenure available at your fingertips, you may make wise and informed decisions.
Apex Wheel Sdn Bhd
Interest Rate
from 6% p.a
Over 6 Months
Juara Partner
Interest Rate
from 9.99% p.a
Over 2 Years
Xanderia Bhd
Interest Rate
from 6.99% p.a
Over 10 Years
Emicro Services
Interest Rate
from 3% p.a
Over 1 Year
SOMEX Solutions
Interest Rate
from 5% p.a
Over 1 Year